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Tiger Street Food Virtual Festival

Mentholatum Melty Cream Lip Review

Now having dry lips, I am no stranger when it comes to having multiple lip balms in my bag to ensure that I have well moisturised lips throughout the day. However I have never heard of a Melty Cream Lip formula before, so when Mentholatum recently launched this range, I found out that it was actually the first in its market that has like its name states; a melting like texture.
BiO-LiFE® reVitiz Results & Overall Review

Alright you guys, it has been a full 3 month since I first started out with BiO-LiFE® reVitiz and if you all have read through the last post (which I will link here), you would know that the product is in summary, a health supplement from BiO-LIFE that has a 4-in 1 formulation of essential nutrients to help revitalise and strengthen the strands from within.
Jack 'N Jill Cloud 9 'Bite-Tarik-Senyum' Movement

In these trying times, sometimes a simple gesture goes a long way and thus with the aim of lifting spirits to reassuring others, JACK 'n JILL Cloud 9 marks World Smiles Day today on the 2nd of October 2020 with a movement to share smiles across Malaysia.