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Liebster Blog Award

So what is a Liebster Award?

Well, stemming from the German translation of "Dearest, Pleasant and Lovely", it is said the the Liebster Award was created to show recognition to bloggers and to give them a warm welcome into the blogsphere.

Here are the Rules:

  1. Post the award on  your blog.
  2. Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
  3. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserves of this award and those who have less than 200 followers.
  5. Give your nominees 11 questions.

I personally think that this is a wonderful gesture for it not only allows bonding with fellow bloggers, but it allows you to appreciate their content and acknowledge what they communicate online.

So far I have received 3 nominations for this award and I would like to take this opportunity firstly to thank each of them dearly.

1st Nomination : Irene Goh from Double Infinity
2nd Nomination : Melissa Mah from Angelic Celestial
3rd Nomination : Von from Just Being Von

Thank you so much for your kind nominations, I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. It makes me truly happy that you girls enjoy reading my blog :)

Hence to be fair, I will be delegating these nominations into 3 separate posts, each per two weeks.

So this week, I shall tackle the questions posed by my 1st Nomination by Miss Irene Goh from Double Infinity.

1. Describe your personality.
   Fun, Talkative & Happy Go Lucky.

2. What is the quote that you live by?
     I live by two quotes actually. 
  • "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."-Walt Disney

3. What is your favorite book?
     The Art of Racing in The Rain by Garth Stein

4. What is your favorite season?
     In Spring when the flowers are in bloom.

5. When is your first blogging experience?
    I first started blogging in 2006. 

6. What makes you continue blogging till now?
    The people around me inspire me everyday. I choose to continue blogging because I love the art of sharing new experiences with other people.

7. If you could turn back time, where will it be?
    I would turn it back to when I was 5. The innocence of being a child is one of the best feelings in the world. 

8. What will you do if you only left 24 hours of your life?
    I would make every moment count and spend it with the people I love and cherish most.

9. The unforgettable lesson you have learnt in your life.
    Is to never let people take advantage of what you have in your life. 

10. What is an item you lost that you would like to get it back?
      A charm that was given to me by a good friend when I was 10.

11. What is the first item you think of to buy it if I were giving you RM100?
     I would share and spend it on the people I care about. If I had any change left over, I would probably purchase a good book for me to read.

So who are my nominees?

Based on enjoyable and informative content, the nomination goes out to:

  1. Alyssa from Alyssa Jaren
  2. Arpita from Shopaholic Anonymous 
  3. Claudine Imelda Richards from Little Dine
  4. Edazz Lucinda from Beautylicious
  5. Iqa Yana from With Love Kisses
  6. Jessy from Jessytheklchic
  7. Kay from The Glossy Allure
  8. Sharon from Sharon Sree
  9. Shasha from Shashay
  10. Ridley from Ridley Jing 
  11. Yuh Jiun from Baby Milo XoXo

So here are my questions to you, lovely ladies. Have fun!

  1. What is the most enjoyable blog content you have read.
  2. What teachings did you learn from watching a movie.
  3. What is the best present you have ever received.
  4. If you had to list your current life as a song title, what would it be.
  5. What style captivates your attention (hipster, classic, girly)
  6. What are the preparations you do before a festive season.
  7. What is your passion in life.
  8. What color defines you the most.
  9. What is your perception on current music videos.
  10. How creative can you get with a single piece of paper.
  11. What is your best unforgettable moment.

I look forward to viewing your blog post ladies ;)

And once again a big thank you goes out to Miss Irene Goh from Double Infinity
I will be updating my second nomination suggestions in 2 weeks so look out for it as well :)



  1. Woots congratz!! You have a beautiful blog :) Followed!

    1. Thanks dear - followed yours too! <3

      Ps: love your layout babe! :D

  2. Congrats babe! You deserve it! =)
    The nominees are well deserved too!

  3. thank you babe! will start drafting mine;)

    1. No worries dear, can't wait to read all about it! :)

  4. Congratulations, Shivani! Wonderful meeting you! This award is great and all the best to your nominees as well! :)


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